Sunday, January 08, 2006


1-2 orang asisten guru untuk tingkat SM (High School).

  1. Diutamakan laki-laki (there's nothing I can do about this, soooo sorry..)
  2. Berdomisili, atau bersedia berdomisili di daerah Depok-Parung-Bogor
  3. Lulusan S1 dari PTN/PTS, jurusan apapun. Diutamakan dari jurusan eksakta
  4. Berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
  5. Bersedia menjadi manusia pembelajar
  6. Bersedia bekerja sama dalam tim
  7. Mampu bekerja underpressure

Job Description:
  1. Peradministrasian kelas SM
  2. Membantu pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas
  3. Membantu penyediaan sarana pembelajaran, termasuk: modul, worksheet, display
  4. Mau disuruh-suruh... (Canda!)

Yang tertarik, boleh kirim email ke yentri berisi:
  • CV + transkrip
  • Foto (bener deh, ga kan dikoleksi kok :D)
  • Satu halaman essay tentang "Pendidikan Indonesiaku"
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In My Own Way

If having someone means he always there when you need him,
Then I might not having you,
Nor might you having me.

If being loved means you always cheer up whenever he's around,
Then I might say that you don't love me,
And I don't love you either.

If caring means those flowers, poems,
Or anything in romantic-mode-on,
Then I'm sure, you don’t care at me, at all,
Though I’m trying to do some.

I just don't want to make a promise that I can't keep.
Be there whenever you need me,
Always cheer you up whenever you're down,
Give those flowers, make those poems,
Or do like all those stories I've read and all those movies I've watched.

But that doesn't mean I don't love you, though.
I can only be me, whoever I am, to love you.

For all those times I'm not around in need,
I save my best wishes for you,
Hoping you're fine and do just great.

For all those times I shed those tears,
Deep inside I know that you do too.
And when it's your time to show them,
There's nothing left for me besides sorrow.

For all those flowers I don't receive,
I know it's just not you to do so.
For all those poems you don't write me,
It's OK, though. I really doesn't bother.

You still have ways to bring happiness in me.
You still know how to complete me.

For God have chosen you to be my soul mate,
Then I'm here to love you.
Love you, in my own way.

~ those old songs..
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